Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fluffernutter Plus and Something a Little More Normal

I  had never even heard of a Fluffernutter till quite recently.

The Wikipedia definition for Fluffernuter is “A sandwich made with peanut butter and marshmallow creme. Its name comes from the common use of "Marshmallow Fluff" brand marshmallow creme. It is particularly popular in the Northeastern United States and has been proposed as the official Massachusetts state sandwich.”.

I had always skipped right over those jars of Marshmallow Fluff on the supermarket shelves without giving the much thought. Last week somebody described a Fluffernutter to me and I decided I wanted to make something a little more exciting. I used Nutella instead of peanut butter and raisin nut bread instead of white. Then browned it in a little butter over a medium heat.



This was just a fun experiment for me and to be honest it was way too sweet for my taste but other people loved this sandwich and I am sure it would go over very well with children.

Here is something a little closer to the type of sandwich and wrap platter I would normally make. You can see from this with a nice selection of breads and some fairly ordinary fillings you can make a very tasty appetizing looking platter.


Roast Beef and Cheddar on Pumpernickle Roll With Horseradish

Shrimp Salad on a Tomato Wrap

Chicken, Raisin and Walnut Wrap

Grilled Vegetables, Tomato, Mozzarella with Pesto on  Foccacia

Ham, Swiss Cheese with Dijon Mustard on Ciabatta